Archives for February 2014

Tantra and Mysticism – Part Ten

Om Shakti Ram  Rama Shiva Om

Rejoicing in God completely, rejoicing in life completely!

This should be the theme of our life. We should work towards a lifestyle that revolves around rejoicing in God completely.

And if we are going to make our life revolve around God, we will need to have a wholistic understanding or definition of God. When we study the Holy Ones or the Realized Souls, they have said that in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was from God, of God, and is God. Therefore, the Om, the Aum, is the voice of God, the first Word. “In the beginning was the Word.” This is the first inclination or impulse of God that permeates everything manifested. Therefore, to start with, the working definition of God is the sum total of everything unmanifested and manifested. And our purpose in life is to rejoice in life (God) completely.

If we study both our Self and God, we will realize that there are seven levels to this vibratory nature of God. Starting with God the Absolute that is beyond all form, then comes the Word or the Om, which is the first form, then comes the Holy Spirit, then the Soul, then the Causal, then the Astral, and then the Physical. When we study our Self, we will realize there are seven chakras. These are the junctions or energy centers in the cerebral-spinal system where the ida, pingala, and sushumna meet. Each energy center corresponds to a vibratory level of creation: Seventh center or crown center, the formless; the Sixth center, the Christ/Krishna Consciousness; the Fifth center, the Holy Stream or the Aum; the Fourth center, the Soul; the Third center, the mind or the Causal body; the Second center, the senses or the Astral body; and finally the First center, the Physical body or Physical creation. If we are going to rejoice in God completely, we must realize and experience our Self at all seven chakras, all seven levels of creation.

We do the chakra meditations to first become aware of the chakras within our cerebral-spinal system. We then strive to become aware of the seven levels of God. With the chakra meditation, we begin to make the conscious willful effort to realize our Wholistic Self, and we begin to live more wholistically. Each individual chakra corresponds to an aspect of Divinity of the large body of God, or our Wholistic Self.

We must come to realize/experience our Wholistic Self, and begin to live within our whole Self. When we do, we will then realize that these seven levels of creation, or the seven chakras, are in three basic groups. In ancient scriptures, they talk about the triune nature of God. The triune nature of God is the Satyam, Shivam, Sundaram nature. An expression of this nature is the inclination or Divine Will of God. God the Absolute, that always has been, is now, and forever shall be, is a pure state of consciousness, which is complete.

When the Word, Om, begins to manifest out, it becomes the Divine impulse of God. Then we encounter the Mayac sheath and the idea of separateness, or the cosmic dance, and we have the higher and lower ego. The Divine impulse has a triune nature, the Divine Will, a Universal will, and an Individual will. This is a reflection of the triune nature, and is seen in the idea of separateness. The Individual will (ego) is like the nature of humanity. The Universal will (ego) is like the heart of humanity where the saints and sages live in order to serve humanity. The Divine Will is like the nature of the Soul, a oneness with God, and vibrating the Divine Satyam, Shivam, Sundaram Consciousness. These are three distinct vibrations of the Divine impulse.  The Shiva–to–Shakti vibration is the Divine impulse, Divine inclination, or the Will of God (all are names for the same thing). We gain understanding of the triune nature of God by Self-analysis or Self-study in meditation. When we study our self, humanity, and God, we will realize that the chakras, and their qualities that we live, are a reflection of our evolutionary maturity as a human being, and as a Soul.

Tantra and Mysticism – Part Nine

The Soul usually isn’t thought of as a body, but it is a unique Consciousness. This Consciousness is fulfilled by experiencing Satyam, Shivam and Sundaram. The Causal body is satisfied by the appreciation of the harmony of life. The Astral body is fulfilled by the delight of the senses with music, art, nature, love, and connectedness with the whole of humanity. The Physical body feels fulfilled with activity or action that is beneficial and healthy for the body.

When we look for the fulfillment of the Soul and the three bodies, we look for the activities that are in harmony with nurturing the bodies. For the Physical body, we can use Karma Yoga, or doing for others, doing beneficial exercise or service, eating foods and drinking liquids that are beneficial to the body.

For the Astral body, we look for what is uplifting for the human spirit. Art should be uplifting to the human spirit; it should inspire the human spirit. Anything can be said in a creative way, but when it is negative or tamasic, it will bring pain and suffering. The Astral body desires, delights in, and needs the nutrition of art, music, and creativity. We need to begin to look for beauty, inspiration, and upliftment. We can retrain ourselves in this way to constantly be looking for the beauty, the Om Sundaram, Om Shivam, and Om Satyam. If we don’t retrain our self, we will miss the beauty. Photography, used for the specific purpose of taking pictures of beauty, will help retrain us to look for the beauty and harmony.

With the Causal body, we can develop appreciation and acceptance of the diversity of life, of the creation. We begin to appreciate and study this diversity, just as it is. We aren’t appreciating what it will do for us, but we are learning to appreciate life as it happens. We will then begin to delight in it. We don’t live without discernment. As an example, we can appreciate dirt in our garden as we grow our plants and flowers, however we do not want it in our bed. We discern and appreciate patterns of living energy for its nature and what its purpose is. This appreciation is inclusive of the Physical action, the art and creativity of the Astral (senses), and the harmony or interwovenness of life at the Causal (mind). The harmony, interwovenness, and appreciation of life includes our awareness of life all the way from the Christ/Krishna Consciousness to the mineral kingdom.  The appreciation, delight, and harmony is the Om Shivam that helps fulfill the heart, mind, body, and Soul.

Being in a state of openness, having an open heart, mind, and Soul, is living in a state of Satyam, Shivam, Sundaram. When we are living in our nature, we will naturally be doing the things wholistically. At this point, we will be living and fulfilling our dharma, fulfilling the purpose of our Soul. We may never fully see what our total dharma is, because that is God’s vision, but we will be able to tell by the joy, love, bliss, and even waves of ecstasy, when we are living our dharma.

This begins with breath awareness, and then expands to prana awareness, and then expands into our Wholistic or Divine awareness. We begin to retrain our limited habits and ideas, and begin to expand our whole consciousness.