Archives for May 2014

Tantra and Mysticism – Part Sixteen

Om namo ari hantanam, Om namo Siddhanam

”I bow to the conquerors of their inner enemies, I bow to the Realized Souls.”

This mantra is acknowledging the process of spiritual evolution. It is acknowledging that we want to attain a higher, more complete, state of awareness. It is also acknowledging our humility, or willingness to learn and accept guidance. It acknowledges that there are those have gone before us. The Realized Souls are the ones who have built the bridges that help us go from this worldly life into our Wholistic nature.

Om namo ari hantanam is our acknowledgement that there are others who are conquering their inner enemies and going beyond their samskaras, just as we wish to do. This gives us a peer group, a sangha of fellow travelers. They may not be our coworkers, or even our biological family. The very acknowledgement of this mantra gives us a sangha.

Om namo Siddhanam acknowledges that the journey is possible, faith that the attainment of the goal is possible, and that others have attained. This new peer group of people or spirits is whom we wish to associate with. They have conquered their inner enemies or samskaras, and have attained their goal of realizing their Divine nature. Om namo siddhanam acknowledges our Inner Guru, our own state of Christ/Krishna Consciousness, acknowledging and reinforcing that aspect of our eternal nature that calls out for, and strives to attain, our Wholistic nature.

It is easy to get lost in the feelings of aloneness and loneliness when we feel we cannot relate to life around us. Most of humanity is not seeking their Wholistic nature. Most people are like children playing in creation, and are satisfied with playing with the creation, and are satisfied with their attachments to their ideas of incompleteness or separateness. They may be dissatisfied with the results they are getting, but they are not yet willing to go beyond their limited beliefs and ideas. There will be times we feel we are all alone. I wrote a poem about these times…

it is better

to call out to Divine Mother

in your aloneness

than to seek shelter

in the arms

of someone else

I was not referring to Divine Mother who was away from me, but was calling out to the Divine vibration, the Om, the Word, God both manifested and unmanifested, of which I was a part. I found more comfort in feeling that vibration then I did in the arms of others, whether it was friends, coworkers, lovers, or people still caught up in choosing the idea of separateness and incompleteness. There was a period of transition where I didn’t feel connected to the whole, where I felt lonely or separate. During this transitional period, I chose which peer group I was going to associate with. I chose God and the Holy Ones… Om namo ari hantanam, Om namo siddhanam.

This calling out is part of the inward journey. There is also the outward journey of touching and perfecting the outer journey. This is about feeling the connection with the biological family, friends, coworkers, humanity, and even those who are not seeking the inner life. This connection can be experienced at the heart chakra with the Satyam. If you can look into the heart of every man, you can see the face of God, because everyone’s heart chakra is where their Soul is. This is the Satyam, Shivam, Sundaram nature. Ideas, beliefs, interests, and samskaras are all just clothing that the Soul wears, which is part of the diversity of life/God. This is learning to appreciate the diversity.

Tantra and Mysticism – Part Fifteen

Being Wholistic is not about renouncing the lower chakras. Being Wholistic is being inclusive of the vibrations and qualities of all the chakras and their petals. This is why the greatest religion is love and the study of life. The greatest spiritual practice we can do is to have the desire, inclination, and willful activities that allow us to continue to learn and grow and expand our awareness of our Satyam, Shivam, Sundaram nature. Our goal should be to experience the ever-newness of Satyam, Shivam, Sundaram, both in meditation and in activity. To experience life Wholistically and to rejoice in God completely should become our main goal, and where we direct our conscious willful efforts. We should use the Om Shakti Ram Rama Shiva Om mantra to redirect our lower ego…”I want to rejoice in God completely.” We should use it to direct our Universal ego by harmonizing with Shivam. Then we can surrender to the Divine impulse or Will, and finally surrender to God without form, or the pure Satyam Consciousness.

Spirituality is touching and perfecting both the inner life and the outer life.

When I say “perfecting” I am not talking about a worldly or intellectual definition. “Perfecting” is the ability to experience the Satyam vibration that permeates everything, that always has been, is now, and forever shall be. The Satyam Consciousness is the pure Consciousness from the formless, through the Christ/Krishna Consciousness, the Holy stream, the Soul, the Causal, the Astral, and the Physical. There is only one God. Perfection is being aware of and experiencing the Satyam Conscious vibration in all life. If we choose to be rajasic, we manifest that pure Satyam vibration in our activities all the way to the Physical, which is the most limited, and then we turn around and go inward again. The Soul will call out for both the inhalation and the exhalation. We exhale completely to the Physical, and then inhale back to the God Consciousness. This is our journey, our infinite and eternal journey.

The most Sacred mantra is the Om mantra. Om can be experienced at all levels of creation. At its subtlest level we surrender to the, “Be ye still and know that I am God.”

