Archives for June 2016

Mystic Heart Affirmation – Week 26

               The mystics seek their joy
                         in the study of life itself
                 once the mystics discover
                       within their meditation
                             that their nature is Satyam
                                 Shivam and Sundaram
                         they also discover that the
                               nature of all life (God)
                       is also Satyam, Shivam, Sundaram
                 the exploration of both
                       the inward journey
                     and the outward journey
                   becomes a dance
                                  of joy and ecstasy

Mystic Heart Affirmation – Week 25

The mystics seek their happiness

         in the nature of the Soul


  through meditation the mystics

    come to realize that their Soul

       is Satyam (eternal love)

             Shivam (eternal harmony and knowledge)

                                      and Sundaram (eternal beauty and joy)                                


this realization vanquishes

          Original Sin

      and brings about the

           joy and ecstasy of our

       Satyam, Shivam, Sundaram nature

Mystic Heart Affirmation – Week 24

Oh what kind of wonder

                       must be in the heart

                            of the one

                       who looks to discover

                              his Soul

                     in the heart of everything living

                          in every flower

                            and every touch

                       in every smile

                              and every kiss

                       in every sunset

                           and every star in the sky above

                    Oh what kind of love

                             must that be

                    Oh what kind of heart

                             must that be


Mystic Heart Affirmation – Week 23

The greatest religion

                      is the religion of love


                 the Soul and all life

                        is from love

                             of love

                          and is love


                 the practice of this religion

                      in thought, word, and deed

                    will free us from

                         the bondage of suffering

                                and death


                 and into

                      the joy and ecstasy

                    of the Soul

                          and God Consciousness