Archives for August 2016

Mystic Heart Affirmation – Week 35

                When we make

                         the daily effort

                     to seek God

                         we discover


                 love is the source

                             of life

                     beauty the energy

                          of eternity


                 and our journey becomes

                           a cosmic dance

                       of one hand

                           on God the absolute

                     and the other hand

                        on God in motion


               Om Satyam   Satyam Om   Shalom Shalom


Mystic Heart Affirmation – Week 34

                 The goal of the aspirant

                     is to realize and live

                         their eternal nature

                              of Satyam


                 realizing the absolute stillness

                       of God Consciousness

                   is pure Satyam Consciousness

                   one begins to appreciate

                       the Satyam Consciousness

                             of the all-else


                 seek ye first the kingdom of God

                       in meditation

                     then the appreciation

                         of the all-else will begin


Mystic Heart Affirmation – Week 33

                 The nature of God Consciousness

                       in manifestation

                     is life seeking after life


                 the Soul’s journey

                       is about learning to appreciate

                     the essence of Satyam

                          that permeates all life


                   learning to delight

                         in God completely

                     enjoying and delighting and

                    celebrating Satyam completely


                 Om Shakti Ram   Rama Shiva Om


Mystic Heart Affirmation – Week 32

              You are the alpha and omega

                   the Lord said to me

                and i am without beginning

                     and without end


              so sail on   sail on

                 sail on into the sun and beyond

              you will never be far from me

                i am the ocean and i am the wind

                   and i am the sun and beyond

              sail on  sail on

                 for it is i who gave you

                      your gypsy heart

               sail on   sail on to me


              sail on to love

                  sail on grace

                sail on to the sun and beyond

                       sail on     sail on