Archives for November 2016

Mystic Heart Affirmation – Week 48

                The desire to experience

                      love, harmony, beauty, and joy

                   both inwardly and outwardly

                         is the fuel

                      of the true spiritual aspirant


                 we transform our limited desires

                     into a harmony

                         with our Soul’s journey

                     by striving to feel connected

                         to all seven levels

                            of God Consciousness


                        Om Om Om


Mystic Heart Affirmation – Week 47

               Tantra is the study

                     of God

                   as both eternal Consciousness

                      without form

                  and as the manifested Consciousness

                          of form


               a dance of essence and form

                   of the Soul and God

                       as the same Satyam,

                            Shivam, Sundaram nature


Mystic Heart Affirmation – Week 46

              To have lasting happiness

                   we must experience for ourselves

                our oneness with all life

                    realizing the unmanifested (Shiva)

                         and the manifested (Shakti)

                      are ever in union



                   Om Satyam Satyam Om

                   Om Shivam Shivam Om

                   Om Sundaram Sundaram Om

                   Om Shanti Shanti Om

                            Shalom  Shalom

Mystic Heart Affirmation – Week 45

             The human being has

                 four natural inclinations…


                   the desire to experience

                        love, peace, and ecstasy

                   the desire to know

                      to attain knowledge and harmony

                   the desire to enjoy

                        appreciate and experience beauty

                   the desire for activity

                       to explore our Wholistic nature


             we must strive

                 to make each step

                      of our journey

               more inclusive of the joy,

                     beauty, harmony, and love

                 that is the nature of the Soul