Archives for December 2016

Mystic Heart Affirmation – Week 52

                   and i’m not sure i’ll ever tire of

                     diving into that golden fire

                   that starts with a touch

                       and rises up to consume

                           body and soul


                   as we embrace this dance

                       of fire and light


                   and after the fire

                       has died down

                   and the ashes

                         have all blown away


                  there is only

                       the essence of love

                           the seeds of tomorrow

                       and eternity

Mystic Heart Affirmation – Week 51

                   and lets not forget about

                         walking barefoot in the sand

                     down where the sea

                             touches the shore


                   or laughter in the rain

                       butterflies in the morning sun

                   and flowers in your hair


                  the shadow of the night

                       chasing fireflies in the dark

                   and moonlight on the water


                   those summertime smiles

                       and the wonder

                           of falling in love


Mystic Heart Affirmation – Week 50

               and i’m not sure i’ll ever tire of…


               a journey that is filled

                   with the music

                 of the wind and the trees

                     and the songs of the poets


               and your smile in the morning


               and the dance of fire

                 that all lovers will embrace


               or the time spent

                   walking hand-in-hand

                       in the sunshine

Mystic Heart Affirmation – Week 49

             Looking through the eyes of God

                   i’m not sure i’ll ever tire of…


              puppies and kittens

                 and young children laughing

              blue skies and big clouds

                and the feel of the wind on my face


             the color of autumn leaves

                   frost on the trees

               and walking in a snowfall


             full moons and quarter moons

                   and any moonlit night

               northern lights and falling stars

                    and all the stars in the sky


             the fragrance of a rose

                  and the delight of flowers

               the fresh smell of the earth after a rain


              and i’m not sure i’ll ever tire of

                  the smiles and the beauty

                     of the Souls

                that adorn both heaven and earth