Mystic Heart Affirmation – Week 22

There is only one God

                     only one life

                beyond and inclusive

                        of all forms

                             and activity


             the Divine play

                  dances in the rhythm of

                Satyam, Shivam, Sundaram

                  but has as its source

                    eternal Satyam Consciousness


              the Soul’s journey

                   is to evolve from our

                      unique Divine wave

                 into the ocean

                   of Satyam (God) Consciousness

Mystic Heart Affirmation – Week 21

Satyam Consciousness

                     is eternal and complete

                 without beginning or end

                it is the source

                    that causes all life

                   to manifest

                        in spirit and form


                this knowledge is first realized

                      in meditation

                    and will lead us into

                         the eternal dance

                             of Shiva and Shakti

Mystic Heart Affirmation – Week 20


                                 the beauty

                                     of the


                              and the love

                                   of the


                                           is you


Mystic Heart Affirmation – Week 19

           In the beginning was the Word

                    and the Word

                 was from God, of God

                           and is God


               therefore awaken


                     illumination is hidden

                          within the mantra

                   just as the oak tree

                       is hidden within the acorn

Mystic Heart Affirmation – Week 18

Our journey in life

                           is about finding

                               the balance


                      between the fulfillment

                            of our desires

                      the upliftment

                           of the human spirit

                      and our continued evolution

                             as a Soul


                      a journey to attain balance


                                 essence and form

Mystic Heart Affirmation – Week 17

There is only one sin:

                           to take a breath

                                  without awareness of God

                                            Hazrat Inayat Khan

Mystic Heart Affirmation – Week 16

Oh take me down

                   to that ancient river

                wrap me in all that is holy

                   for tonight you are standing

                        naked and bare

                 at the edge of my desire for you

                tonight we will dance on the water

                    to the rhythm of that holy song

                and drink from the nectar

                      of a thousand golden flowers

                  all gathered from beyond

                            the moon and stars

              for tonight we will dance

                    in eternity

                tonight we will dance in eternity 

Mystic Heart Affirmation – Week 15

The very fountain of youth

                       is in the breath


                 the breath is the song

                         that causes

                    Shiva and Shakti to dance


                the air that we breathe

                     is the very breath of God

                           from God, of God,

                               and is God


               so breathe strong and deep

                     singing hallelujah

                   dance, rejoice, and love

                         with your whole heart

                             mind, body, and Soul

Mystic Heart Affirmation – Week 14

                 Upanishad: sitting close

                         to the Satyam,

                              Shivam, Sundaram

                     nature of God

Mystic Heart Affirmation – Week 13

             The Soul’s journey

                       is the quest

                             to learn to dance


                 a dance of “be ye still”

                       and our other hand

                   on the rising and setting

                           of the sun


                 a dance across the desert sands

                       a dance on the water

                   a dance across eternity