Mystic Heart Affirmation – Week 2

The Soul once born

                           lives forever

                     exploring the many levels

                              of God Consciousness


                 we sail upon

                        a sea of grace

                 every thought, word, and deed

                         the creator of our journey


                             so sail on sail on


                 sail on waves of Love

                           Satya Lahari Om

                 sail on waves of Harmony

                             Shiva Lahari Om

                 sail on waves of Beauty

                                Sundara Lahari Om

                 sail on waves of Bliss

                                 Ananda Lahari Om




Mystic Heart Affirmation – Week 1

Each and every Soul

is seeking after happiness

and the fulfillment

of its nature

the Soul is Satyam–eternal love

Shivam–perfect harmony

Sundaram–ever-new beauty and joy

the realization of the Soul

is the key

that unlocks

the kingdom of God