Creating Wellness


if you can laugh

you can embrace

the mysteries

if you can love

you can carry


in your heart



To know our self is a journey that must be undertaken in order to live a healthy and happy life. Most of humanity believes that they are body, mind, and spirit. Therefore, the relationship with one self must involve the physical body, the heart, the mind, and the spirit. We begin by being honest with our self and becoming aware of where we are, we then allow for self-knowledge and understanding of who we are to grow. We can learn to be successful and enjoy the process of life.

Wellness will come when we balance a life with interest for our self, knowledge of nature (God), and healthy interactions and relationships with other people. We will be able to attain this balance by a process of minor adjustments to activities we are already doing in our life.


The beginning is the most important part of the work.

                                                             Plato  c. 428-348 BC


1. Focusing and directing the mind – A calm mind lends itself towards:

-Clarity, Energy, Learning, Cooperation, Balance

-Non-attaching from the limited mindsets and habits

-Affirming the positive thoughts and goals

-Developing willpower to accomplish our goals


2. Diaphragmatic breathing

-Proper breathing is the single most important nutrient for health and happiness

-Brings in more oxygen and removes toxins providing more energy and clarity of thoughts and feelings

-Deep, calm breath brings a calmness to our mind and our life.


3. Adequate water intake

-Body is 70% water and needs water replenishment to function properly

-Lack of oxygen and dehydration are two main causes of loss of energy and fatigue

-Six to eight (8) oz. glasses of water a day


4. Healthier Nutrition

-Fresh food, fruits, vegetables, grains, and dairy products are healthier and have more nutrition and energy in them

-Less red meat, alcohol, preservatives, caffeine

-Vitamins, in balanced meals or supplement sources


5. Meditation and relaxation techniques

-Simple meditation techniques help in calming the mind

-Helps to develop focus and concentration

-Helps to harness our energy and power for both inward and outward goals

-Helps us be aware of our wholistic self and the exploration of our life


The medical/scientific community has stated that 95% of all illness, disease, doctor and hospital visits are caused by stress. This includes major diseases, including heart attacks, strokes, cancer, and depression all of which have originated from stress. Plus numerous minor physical and psychological conditions are stress related, including migraines, allergies, insomnia, fatigue, moodiness.


We can remove 50% of our stress by adding diaphragmatic breathing, proper water consumption (6-8 glasses of water per day), and fresh food to our life. This will allow us to focus and direct the mind to that which is positive and uplifting, which in turn will lead to a healthier and happier life.

These minor adjustments include what we are already doing each day:

1. Focusing and directing the mind

2. Diaphragmatic breathing

3. Adequate water intake

4. Healthier Nutrition

5. Meditation and relaxation techniques

We just make minor adjustments in how we do them.

The achievement of a healthy, energetic and more productive life is attainable through understanding the importance and simplicity of these 5 minor adjustments:

A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.

                                  Lao-Tzu   604–531 BC


The unfoldment of life is about coming to our self and beginning to live in a manner that is in harmony with our body, mind, and spirit, filled with energy, enthusiasm, love, and joy.


Chapter One:        Focusing and Directing the Mind

Chapter Two:        Focusing on the Breath

Chapter Three:     Meditation

Chapter Four:       Nutrition

Chapter Five:        The Study of Life