Books on Self Realization

From early childhood onward I have been blessed with the desire to experience the Triune Nature of God: that of Satyam (the eternal love without form or conditions) and Shivam (the word or harmony of God Consciousness in motion) and Sundaram (the beauty and joy of God in manifestation), and to share those experiences.

My writings and especially my poetry is my attempt to share the love, harmony, beauty and joy that I have experienced as a result of cultivating and developing that desire – the desire to experience the Triune Nature of God (Satyam, Shivam, Sundaram).

I share this material freely, because it was shared freely with me, and I feel it is beneficial and uplifting for the individual and the international community. I ask only that you respect the copyright statuses.

If you feel benefitted by this material and would like to express it, a thank you via email or a small donation would be greatly appreciated.

Love, Blessing and Joy,  Lee

Note:  All books are in PDF form and open in a new window.

1)            Life and Times: Lee Timmerman journals his life-long mystical experiences in poetry form. In this book he explains the revelations and insights he experienced and then recorded in his poetry.

Though people may have different mystical experiences, the insights and revelations that come with them are universal. This book can help guide spiritual travelers on their journey, help answer their questions, help them understand more obscure experiences, and show what is possible on the path to enlightenment.

Part One (Introduction and Chapters 1-6)

Part Two (Chapters 7-13)

Part Three (Chapters 14-21, Appendix – Mantras, Glossary, Recommended Reading List, Poetry Index)


2)            Journey Towards Ecstasy: The steps and practices of beginning, intermediate, and advanced meditation. This book has been used by students to assist them as they advance in their practice of meditation – toward the realization of our Wholistic nature. A Chakra chart helps you understand where you are on the path.


3)            Sacred Fire:  “The Sacred Fire is the love of the Divine, or the love of life.” Each chapter of this book, including the Introduction, gives insight into twenty-one steps encountered on the path of Self-Realization/God-Realization. Studying, understanding, and integrating each of the chapters can lead one to the experience and realization of their Wholistic nature. Topics include: Self-discovery, transformation, consciousness, love, grace, harmony, union.


4)            Tantra and the Royal Path: Tantra is the study of the creative force or energy of existence. The Royal Path is the Dance of ecstasy and joy. This book explains how Tantra and the Royal Path can scientifically lead one to a life filled with their wholistic nature of love, harmony, beauty, and joy.


5)            Secret of the Mystics – and Their Practices for the attainment of happiness and other life goals (Booklet):  Explains how the mystics are able to experience and realize their Wholistic nature of love, harmony, beauty, and joy at all times, and then share it with all life.


6)            Of Love and Bondage (Booklet):  In order to rejoice in life completely, we must understand that we are created in the image of God.  When we accept the basic law of Karma, we can begin to transform our life.  When we understand there is Karma in all action, then it is important to understand there is either “binding” or “non-binding” Karma, and we are the maker of our destiny.


7)            Creating Wellness  (Booklet): Everyone desires a healthy body, mind, and spirit. In this current age, it is important that we begin to take responsibility for our own wellness. This booklet gives steps and practices for creating the healthy and happy life we desire.


8)            Breath of Life, Breath of Joy: The stress and stress-related illnesses of the 21st century are not normal to the human body, mind, and soul. This book shows how making minor changes in one area of our being can bring major changes in other areas. Topics include simple steps to better health, better communication with others, better decision making, getting in touch with and releasing our inner joy and happiness, and fulfilling our desires of both the inward journey and the outward journey.


9)            the soul will call out for more: “Each soul is like a wave on the ocean. Each wave is unique, thrilling, dynamic, beautiful, a celebration.”  Talks given at a retreat in 2002 address the basic questions of: Who am I? Why am I here? What is the purpose of life?


10)          Tantra:  The Dance of Ecstasy:   Tantra is the study and worship of God, as both eternal Satyam Consciousness without form and as manifested Satyam, Shivam, Sundram Consciousness of form. The path of Tantra is the dance of Consciousness, of essence and form,of Shiva and Shakti ever in union, in a dance of ecstasy. When the flame becomes the fire, and the fire becomes the flame, the dance and the dancer are one.


11)          Meditation: The Gateway to the Kingdom of God:  “Be ye still and know that you are God”.  The process of meditation is the key to realizing we are created in the image of God. This book has the Sacred Meditation practices that have been utilized for thousands of years to help one realize and attain awareness of their Wholistic nature.


12)        The Journey of the Soul:   The Soul, once born, lives forever, exploring the many levels of God Consciousness.  To enjoy the journey, we must realize that our nature of eternal Satyam, Shivam, Sundaram is the same Satyam, Shivam, Sundaram as God.