Poetry Books

I have used my poetry as a record or journal of my mystical experiences, which include both the essence and form.  I have attempted to express this wholisticness in my poetry, how well I have succeeded I will leave up to you as the reader to judge.

Although I am not sure who first perceived God in motion as feminine (Lila), I am sure it was some ancient poet who utilized this imagery of the Lover and Beloved to express his love affair with God, as the Dance and Dancer.

This imagery and relationship of Lover and Beloved works well for me also, to express the Satyam (Love), Shivam (Harmony), and Sundaram (Beauty & Joy), nature of God (Life) that I experience, and wish to share with my poetry.

Books of Poetry – chronologically as experienced and recorded


Some Mad Schemes and Desires        1972-76


The Rhythm of Butterfly Wings              1977-85


For the Pilgrimage and the Prophet      1986-2004


Gypsy Heart                                              2005-2009


Oh Dance My Golden Body                   1998-2013

Pages 1-91

Pages 92-171


 For the Pilgrimage and the Prophet Photography Book 1986-2004