Meditation Will Bring Knowledge of Our Absolute Self

The Holy Ones of all times and traditions have said that our nature is Om Satyam—the Divine eternal love, Om Shivam—the Divine eternal virtue, Om Sundaram—the Divine eternal beauty and joy, Om Shanti—the Divine eternal peace or God the Absolute, which in its peaceful or still state is Satyam, Shivam, Sundaram.  The message of the Holy Ones is that there is only God and that our nature is the same as God’s nature.

Most people are busy seeking and doing in the external because they believe that love, happiness, beauty, virtue and joy come from external activity.  The Holy Ones have brought the message of meditation, the techniques of how to calm down the mind, breath, and ego (the idea of separateness) and then experience our very nature in its state of Om Satyam, Om Shivam, Om Sundaram, Om Shanti.  Only through experiencing our Self, our absolute nature, do we realize the wealth of love, happiness, and joy within.  We begin to understand that our love, happiness and joy do not come from external activity, persons or events, but are within our nature.

Through diving deeply in meditation, we will experience our Self in the state of Om Shanti.  We will experience that we are alive and aware.  What we will be aware of is Shanti, peace, the absolute stillness.  We will realize what Shanti is; we will realize that what we are experiencing is love, beauty, virtue, bliss, security, fulfillment, completion.  In other words, we will realize we are experiencing our nature.  This is the experience we will have when we come to our nature, our Self as Om Shanti.  We will realize that we are infinite and eternal.  We will realize that we don’t need to chase after love because we are love.  We don’t need to demand freedom because we are freedom.  We don’t need to look for the virtues because we are the virtues.  We don’t need security from relationships because we are one with all life.  We are the relationship.  We don’t need to pursue money, friends, careers, and prestige to be secure because we are infinite and eternal happiness, joy, beauty, and love.  Nothing external can give us love, beauty, joy, or security because we already are those things.  In addition, nothing external can take away our love, beauty, joy or security because our very nature is Om Satyam, Om Shivam, Om Sundaram, Om Shanti.

Once we have this realization in meditation, because only in meditation will we not give credit to some other person or event, we can go about our life harmonizing or as the Sacred texts say, worshipping God.  We begin to worship or experience God everywhere.  We begin to see God, Divinity, behind the veils, costumes, and limitations.  The Holy Ones talk about this responsibility.  Now it is our responsibility to live our life.

The Holy Ones say we have free will to live however we want.  We can live seeing Divinity or we can live seeing limitations.  We can be complete and have life and life more abundantly, God and God more abundantly, or we can have a life of chasing after love, freedom and friendships hoping that someone else will give it to us.  Meditation will bring knowledge of our absolute Self.  No other practice, no other service, no other activity can bring us the awareness of our absolute nature.