Tantra and Mysticism – Part One

We need to realize that the longing everyone has – the longing to feel connected or a part of something, to feel complete – is the longing of the Soul to realize its oneness with God.  Shiva and Shakti are ever in union, but with cosmic ego (mayac sheath) involved, the individual will interpret this longing, including the longing at the physical for connection with another human being, the longing for love and beauty, even the longing for knowledge or truth, as a longing for external conditions. The Soul has the longing for completion within the creation, and also for the absolute peace of the Om Satyam, which is the absolute God Consciousness.

Love, beauty, knowledge, truth, and Om Satyam, are all part of our nature, but under the influence of the mayac sheath, they seem separate from us.  If we are only aware of the physical manifestation, or the material world, then this longing is interpreted as needing a connection with another person, and the need for love, beauty, and joy from others. A part of this is also longing for the truth, or the right practices, to help us live in harmony with our wholistic Self (God), and the Divine will. The degree of our realization or awareness will be reflected in the degree to which we interpret what is natural to the human being or infinite spirit. Until we feel completion with the whole, we will be living an incomplete life, and there will always be a part of us that is calling out for completion.

A physical incarnation is not meant to be forever, rather to be viewed as a temporary visit. The physical body has a pattern and a lifespan. A healthy wholistic incarnation happens during the Satya Yuga when the average lifespan is about 1200 years, yet this is still limited. The average lifespan during the Kali Yuga is approximately 35–45 years, which is even more limited. The degree of harmony or realization of our wholistic Self will determine how much joy we have in living everyday life. This will determine how long we want to live on earth. It is difficult, but not impossible to enjoy everyday life when all those around you are suffering; it will just take discipline.

There is a harmony and balance that the spiritual path helps us to attain. Our journey is about finding that balance. We need to understand what is needed to be open to life, because each Yuga and each generation has a different balance. And this brings us to spirituality as taught by the Realized Souls that incarnate. The Realized Souls take a living incarnation just like the rest of us.  We walk the earth, and they walk the earth.  They find a balance and a harmony for their lifetime and culture.  They vibrate out the message, and they teach the message of what it takes to be in harmony, which becomes the message of the time.