Tantra and Mysticism – Part Eighteen

We must have a willingness to learn and expand our conscious awareness

When we have this, we will find a joy in living. We start by acknowledging that the greatest religion is the religion of Love. It is to have the open heart, to experience and feel love with everything we encounter. In order to do this, we must have an open mind. An open mind means that we have to be willing to look beyond our self, beyond our ideas and judgments of other people who are not the same as our self. An open mind means we have a willingness to experience and appreciate another person regardless of where they are, or what their interests are. It doesn’t matter where they are in their evolutionary development, they are created in the image of God, and have been created with a unique Soul that the Divine Will can be expressed through. Whether they have yet matured into that Divine expression is not the issue. They still have that unique vibration. You can look at a child and see its human qualities. You can see that the child will grow and mature, and that the qualities will continue to develop. In the same way, we can see the unique vibration in others. However, we have to look for it, and we can do this when we are willing to go beyond our small ego.

We begin to study life, people, and God. We study God unmanifested in our meditation time. We quiet down the mind, our ideas and beliefs of how we think life should be, how God should be, and even how we think meditation should be. We just gently focus and concentrate on the mantra, which is a Divine vibration. Then we need to be open to whatever experience we have. When we leave meditation, we use the mind/Causal to appreciate and see the harmony of what is universal… “Let Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” We look for that during our active time, which includes everything in the creation. It includes our alpha rest, so we work towards having 24-hour consciousness.

Coming out of meditation, we use the senses/Astral to enjoy the beauty and delight. We enjoy the senses, the Om Sundaram. We work towards this even in our dreams. We become aware of our dreams, and then we can turn the creation of our dreams of illusion and fantasy into awareness of the Divine creation. Instead of creating our own tiny dream-plays, we use our Astral abilities to be aware of the subtler realms of existence, or God’s cosmic play, maybe even work through some of our karma.

Coming out of meditation, we use the Physical for our study, for our awareness, and for our delight. When we are in nature, we appreciate the quietness of nature. When we are in the city, we study the beauty and diversity of humanity, and look for that which is universal. We look to live within the heart, and look to see the face of God each moment of the day as we are living with more and more Satyam Consciousness.

If we want to continue to learn, grow, and study life, then we need to study our self, and study others around us. It is easy to look for the qualities that are universal. The universal qualities are easy to see when we are willing to look for them within our self and in others. A simple rule is that what we see in others, is also a quality we have within our self, otherwise we wouldn’t be able to even recognize it. If we didn’t already have the quality, we wouldn’t have any relation points to it, and couldn’t see it in others. What we see in others, the good and bad, the beautiful and the ugly, are qualities we already have within us. We look for the universal, and then focus on what is uplifting and inspirational. We overlook the limited or uninspiring qualities.