Tantra and Mysticism – Part Fourteen

Surrendering to the pure experience of the moment is easier to do in meditation where we have temporarily withdrawn from our ideas and society’s ideas of what we should be doing, and who we should be, and what we should be practicing or vibrating.

When we meditate, we temporarily let go of our expectations of the people around us. We let go of our expectations of our lower ego, and even the Universal ego. And when we let go of all our expectations in meditation, we will find it easier to surrender to the pure experience of sacred vibrations. In meditation, we focus on the Divine vibration (mantra) that we have chosen to experience. We gently repeat the mantra, and gently let any thoughts or ideas, which may come in, just pass on by without dwelling on them. We return to the mantra and the pure experience of its vibration. When we begin to feel the vibration of the mantra within us, we continue vibrating and identify with the mantra until we are saturated with it. From here we can surrender or immerse into the Divine impulse or vibration.

When we come out of meditation, we take the experience and the vibration and try to feel or experience it in our activities. This can be done when we go beyond our individual ego of ownership: “I want to do this. I desire to have that.” To keep the experience and the feeling that we had in meditation, we surrender to the universal will and the Divine Will. Once we are experiencing the vibration of the Divine impulse, we will be able to do activities that benefit the rest of life. We try to keep this vibration even as we go off to work to provide food, clothing, and shelter for the small family and our self. This is how we utilize meditation as a way of unfolding into our nature inwardly, and then bring that experience back out into our outward journey. Touching and perfecting the outer life is not about being the most skilled artist or musician. Touching and perfecting the outer life is about having the Satyam, Shivam, Sundaram Consciousness, awareness, and vibration in all our activities. We have the vibration while we are skillfully, selflessly, and joyfully doing our work or interacting.

When we desire to know our Wholistic nature, we can add the chakra meditation to our practices. We can then surrender to each of the chakras. During our activities, we can chant the Sacred mantras so that we can continue to feel and experience our nature. We can do our activities selflessly and become aware of our God-like nature, and carry that awareness with us during our activities.