Tantra and Mysticism – Part Nineteen


An Open Heart

What makes life exciting and ever-new is having an open heart, because the Satyam Consciousness is ever-new. With an open heart you simply overlook the limitations of others to see their Soul. Do not confuse the diversity amongst humanity with the Soul of the human being. We make the effort to look for the face of God, the Om Satyam in every human being. Every human being is created in the image of God. There are self-centered people in the world, but still they are created in the image of God. Their Soul is still Satyam, Shivam, Sundaram.

To study life, we don’t have to be away from people, or be single, or living in a monastery in order to see the beauty of God. We just need to be willing to look with an open heart and open mind. We must be willing to go beyond our beliefs, ideas and samskaras. A samskara is our belief of what we deem to be truth or reality. Samskaras are our mindsets. Some think that is natural for a male and female to get together and have children. It is an aspect of the human nature to do so, but it is not the only natural thing to do. Some people will find it natural to serve the large family (society), and others will find it natural to serve the small family (marriage and children). Some will find it natural to spend a lifetime studying God. One is not more natural than others.

We learn to approach life with dynamics in our interactions. We accept that what we give to life, life will give us back more generously. If we are selfish and just want to take from life, we will find that all around us, life wants to take from us. If we are generous and kind with our thoughts and actions, and have compassion in thought, word, and deed, we will find that life is giving that back to us. What we give to life, life will show us more of. This is what Christ meant when he said, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and all else will be added.” The kingdom of God is our nature, the nature of God, the oneness of Satyam, Shivam, Sundaram.

Once we have the experience of the kingdom of God, we can appreciate, enjoy and see Satyam, Shivam, Sundaram everywhere. Once we can see, feel, and experience Satyam (Love), within our self, and see it everywhere, there will be no more insecurity or loneliness. There will be no more fear. There is no longer a feeling of not being connected. It removes the pain and suffering from our life. Once we can see and experience Shivam (Thy will is done on earth as it is in heaven), it removes attachment, and the fear of losing something we are attached to. Once we realize or experience the kingdom of God, all else has been added, our appreciation of the Divine harmony. We become Adam and Eve. We are the caretakers of the earth. It belongs to all of us, not to fight over, but to enjoy and delight in.

I do not have to own property on the ocean to go and enjoy the ocean. I don’t have to own property in the mountains to enjoy going to the mountains. I can travel, enjoy, and appreciate wherever I go. I have a desire to explore my whole kingdom…oceans, deserts, winters, summers, the four seasons. I want to be and enjoy being a caretaker, to delight in life. The only thing I can truly take with me wherever I go is Om Satyam. I can feel Om Satyam on the earth, in the heavens, in the Christ/Krishna Consciousness, in the God Consciousness without form. Om Satyam will be there. This is the priority I have found worth committing my life towards having. This consciousness of my nature and the nature of God, at every moment, is what is worth owning. I don’t want to spend a moment without awareness of my Om Satyam nature. That is true suffering.