Tantra and Mysticism – Part Thirteen

Understanding our dharma or purpose is not something we can figure out with our mind. Dharma is the completion…it is the vibratory nature of the Soul that is being expressed by our life, or simply put, the Soul’s journey. You can use the mind to say, “I am doing this activity, and it is part of my dharma,” but Dharma is never the activity. Dharma is the unique vibration you will have, the vibration of your Soul, the Satyam, Shivam, Sundaram nature of your Soul, which will be vibrating whether you are still or active. You have been uniquely created in the image of God and sent out on your journey. Your unique vibration is the sum total of your experiences as a unique Soul, until this present moment. Sharing this unique vibration is your Dharma. The activities you do are just the vehicles you use. Teaching a meditation class, or shopping in a store, traveling, walking in a garden, or meditating, you are vibrating out, living, and sharing your Dharma when you are aware of your Wholistic nature.

Your evolution is about your Self-awareness of your Wholistic nature. Avatars take on original sin, struggle, suffer, have pain and loneliness. If you read Autobiography of a Yogi, Paramahansa Yogananda talks about the pain he had when his mother died, and the struggle he had to find God. His father had marriage plans for him. Yogananda’s personal desires differed from his father’s desires. He had to struggle with the lower ego, the universal ego, and finally he had an acceptance into his Wholistic nature, and was able to fulfill his dharma. Yet, as an Avatar, he was able to partially vibrate Satyam, Shivam, Sundaram. Other people were benefiting from it, even if he was not happy at the time. We must see the spiritual journey not just as an evolution, but also as an unfoldment of our awareness into our true nature.

We practice Sacred mantras in our meditations, and also in our affirmations and chanting. We want to vibrate out the vibration that is our Satyam, Shivam, Sundaram nature. We don’t want to just repeat the mantra. We also want to surrender to the experience, and expand our awareness of the vibration of the mantra. We aren’t just singing the chant. We are surrendering to the experience of the Sacred vibration.

Bhagwan Sri Rajneesh (Osho) once said that the advanced Souls find security in the ever-newness of God. He said that without ever-newness, life would become boring and would become a living hell. We have to learn to let go of our ideas and beliefs of what we believe will bring us happiness, or of what our life and Dharma should be. We need to learn to surrender to the pure experience of the moment.