Tantra and Mysticism – The Open Path Part 2

The Open Path comes when we want the experience of love, harmony, beauty, and joy that is our nature all the time. The Soul is calling out for the experience of Satyam, Shivam, Sundaram. It is our nature and the nature of God, but we will need to be disciplined in the attainment of our nature.

This is where chanting the Divine vibrations comes in. When we are active, doing our duties and fulfilling our responsibilities, we may be able to chant, or affirm our nature. It doesn’t matter whether we chant audibly or silently, as long as we can focus and concentrate on the Sacred vibrations. The Hrim mantra, means to invoke the indwelling energy, this means to invoke the “I am created in the image of God. I am Satyam, Shivam, Sundaram, and now I am going to identify with that.” When we invoke this mantra, we can feel it vibrating the whole cerebral-spinal system and vibrating the crown. Our goal becomes the experience of Satyam, Shivam, Sundaram. The Hrim mantra opens the sixth center allowing the intuitional knowledge to be available. It allows the experience of the pure Satyam, Shivam, Sundaram. Utilizing this mantra allows us to do activity with clarity, vision, peace, calmness, and helps to attain power for the accomplishment of our goals. When we chant mantras, we are working to identify with them. They help us to focus and rise above the lower ego, rise above the everyday activities.

The Realized Souls are saying this when they say, “Be in the world, but not of the world.” You don’t have to give all your time and attention to most worldly activities. Most activities don’t take much concentration if we learn to do them skillfully. Many people think that they need to give all their attention to their jobs, interactions, or activities, but they are still breathing, so they can still develop the habit of breath awareness, diaphragmatic breathing, and also be aware of their breath during their activities. If you can be aware of your breath while active, you can also incorporate a pranayama technique to recharge, revitalize, and bring in more power. You don’t have to be in your meditation chair to do pranayama. It can be done anywhere, and all you need is breath awareness.

When we are doing the pranayama techniques, we are developing breath awareness. Wanting to experience the harvest of breath awareness, which is the vibration of joy and happiness, we are on the Open Path. And when we have accepted the power and energy that comes with pranayama, we are taking control of the life force, beginning to be a master of our destiny. We do small things like chanting the Hrim mantra, and pranayama. We work to consistently do these things, and if we have a few minutes, we close our eyes and quietly focus on the Om mantra. When we quietly do the Om, we try to attain the peace of at least the alpha state. Everyone knows how revitalizing a little power nap can be. A power nap is when you have reached the alpha state of rest, and are recharged. If you can do that in a power nap, you can also do it in meditation through concentration. The main goal or purpose of this is to have more power and energy all day long. If you are energized, the earthly vibrations will rarely drag you down. Many people like to have background noise during their activities. They do not realize how this background noise can be a negative distraction and energy drain. Our hearing and subconscious are taking it in, integrating it, and sorting it all out. What our mind can’t sort out subconsciously in the moment, it will work on later in the REM state of sleep (dreaming), because it does have to be processed. This all takes time and energy.

By focusing, concentrating, and energizing, we rise above the tamasic noise and worldly vibrations. Instead, we will be hearing the Om in our inner hearing, and will be feeling the vibration of the Satyam, Shivam, Sundaram. Not only are we energizing, we have also shut off the leaks of energy that occur during our daily life. We do this simply by raising our consciousness or attention above the mundane daily activities. We still have to do the activities, but we don’t have to dwell on them.