Tantra and Mysticism – The Open Path Part 4

In the retreat poem I talk about hearing the voices of angels singing. At any given time when we calm the mind, breath, and body, we can hear the Astral sounds. Many people can see lights and colors in meditation. These are the lights and colors of the Astral realm. If we calm down more, we can hear the Astral sounds. We can actually hear the angels and devas singing. Another poem talks about the saints dancing on the shore. This is symbolic of the folks that realize their Satyam, Shivam, Sundaram nature and are actually enjoying and sharing that vibration while walking the earth and going about their daily business. Most people are aware of the major prophets and avatars like Christ, Buddha, Krishna, Mahavira, Paramahansa Yogananda, and Sri Yukteswar, but at any given time, one avatar out of ten on the planet will be visible. The other nine are going about their daily life without being recognized. They may be buying groceries, or selling groceries. They may be the person cleaning the church that people attend. They may be a government official. They may be anyone in everyday life. Nine-tenths of the avatars on the planet are invisible to the public. Their role is to support the human community, as opposed to the avatars that are teachers. As teachers, they give talks and teach the rules and deliver the message. But as with all communities, teaching is only one small part of the whole community.

On the Open Path, we look for God, we look for Divinity. If you don’t feel like you have a personal relationship with God, then look for the love. Everyone wants to feel and experience love, so we can look for it in all situations. Everyone wants to feel peace, harmony, and connectedness with life. That is the Om Shivam, the Christ/Krishna Consciousness. Everyone wants to feel happiness, joy, and beauty. That is Om Sundaram. We can make our spiritual practices and life simple by looking for beauty, harmony, and Love/Satyam.

We are on the Open Path when we accept the responsibility that we are created in the image of God. It is our responsibility to identify with our Satyam, Shivam, Sundaram nature. There is another poem that says I would like to see you naked beneath all your gowns. I had the experience where Divine Mother appeared with all different gowns, or different forms. Still, I recognized it was Her behind all the gowns. Even though I knew it was God behind all the gowns, still I said. “I want to see you beyond this form, and without that activity.” By looking for both the manifested and unmanifested, we are on the Open Path.

Wanting to experience Satyam, Shivam, Sundaram, we are on the Open Path.

Most people, especially in the beginning, have a struggle with the discipline to do spiritual practices. If they would understand that happiness, love, and joy is the goal of all spiritual practices, it then becomes just a matter of proficiency. Pay attention to which practices or mantras work best for you. If we do, “I am Om Satyam. I am Om. I am Om Satyam, Shivam, Sundaram,” then we can begin to feel the appreciation, harmony, and joy. It then becomes about proficiency and skill in our attainment of this experience.