Tantra and Mysticism – The Open Path Part 5

In reality, everyone is striving to be happy.

The difference between everyone and the Realized Souls is that the Realized Souls have learned that we can be happy when we are in harmony and nurturing our Whole Self,                                                                                                                                        when we include all life.

The Royal Path allows us to take an incarnation which comes with desires, ideas, and beliefs in the limited. But we need to accept the responsibility of being created in the image of God. The desire of the Soul is to live in the nature of the pure Om Satyam. We then make our desires harmonious, so that our desires for the Physical do not cause us conflict in the Astral or Causal. Our desire for freedom cannot be at the cost of someone else’s freedom.

The Royal Path allows us the fulfillment of activities and desires of the Physical, Astral or senses, Causal or mental, of the Soul or pure Satyam experience of love, of the Holy Spirit, the Christ/Krishna Consciousness, and the God Consciousness. The Royal Path includes doing activities of a Wholistic life. Most of humanity is just trying to get a few things that are usually limited to the Physical, which they believe will make them happy. They spend their lifetime in trying to accomplish or attain a few desires or beliefs, and they renounce or exclude most of life. Many reach middle age and begin the process of dying, because they have lost hope of fulfilling their desires. Yet most people want to live in happiness; they wanted to experience joy, harmony, and love. When their ideas and beliefs of ever attaining these goals are shattered, hope is lost, then they begin to lose their enthusiasm of life, and their will to live.

Everyone is seeking happiness. The Holy Ones have found the secret of happiness. They are inclusive of life on the Open Path. The Open Path is about the open heart and open mind. It is about going beyond our self-centered ideas or beliefs. Do not confuse the Open Path with the ideas of the 1960s, where it was, “I’m okay, you are okay, everything is okay.” This isn’t harmonious. Our desires of the first and second chakras have to be in harmony with the third, fourth, and fifth chakra. When we are out of harmony, we may not be able to accomplish some of our duty or dharma. When we can recognize that the desire is out of harmony with other desires, we can restructure our desires into a way that is harmonious. It isn’t that we drop the desires, forget about them, or renounce them, but we restructure them into a healthy way of doing things. This is part of the third chakra (Causal) study of life. It is part of being in harmony with Om Shivam.

There is almost an infinite amount of knowledge we can learn on the inner life, just as there is in the outer life. The Open Path allows us to study, practice, and live in a manner that is beneficial and uplifting to our self, and to those around us. We then become an inspiration to those around us who observe our life or get to know us. They will feel the Satyam, Shivam, Sundaram vibration, and may ask us how and why we are so happy. We can then tell them that we like happiness more than suffering, and that to feel that joy, we identify with the nature of our Soul. Part of the spiritual practices is touching and perfecting the outer life also. We study and pay attention, and we get to know our self.

We have to work with and harmonize our desires and goals. We make minor adjustments on our way to our nature. We have to choose how we will spend our time. Sometimes we may want to spend time with the family, and other times we may want to spend time writing poetry, meditating, walking the dog, or listening to music. It is about finding the delight and the harmony in our life. Finding time for the activity is part of the harmonization of our life.

There are desires seeking fulfillment at each chakra, and they are legitimate desires. Even God in the formless is not completely desireless, for God manifested a creation. We have to understand the legitimacy of desires, and make them a harmonious part of our life. Not only do our desires have to be a harmonious part of our life, but also in harmony with society, the international community, and the angels and devas.

Desires are legitimate. Our life is legitimate. The Open Path is about having Satyam, Shivam, Sundaram being the standard of how we want to live our life. The harmony of our life and all the fulfillment at each chakra must be our willful choice. It takes the willingness to use the standard of. “Am I feeling Satyam, Shivam, Sundaram?” We do whatever we need to do to make the connection with our Wholistic Self. Then we go back to fulfilling our desires with the bliss and enjoyment of our Satyam, Shivam, Sundaram nature. This is truly how the Royal Path turns into the Tantric Path, becomes the Open Path, and becomes our life. It will become natural to take a deep diaphragmatic breath because you want more vitality. It will become natural to harmonize with Om because you want to feel Wholistic. It will feel natural to go beyond self-centered desires because you know it becomes more enjoyable when others are included in your life. It becomes natural to experience the Satyam, Shivam, Sundaram that is our nature.