Tantra: The Dance of Ecstasy

The Path of Tantra is the awakening into our nature and the nature of God as one and the same Satyam, Shivam, Sundaram. The path of Tantra is about life becoming a journey of exploration, celebration, and joy, Om Shakti Ram, Rama Shiva Om (rejoicing in God completely).  With the path of Tantra, the intention of realizing our eternal and Wholistic nature is the foundation upon which all our desires to explore life is built. Becoming aware of the interwovenness of all life is the goal of Tantra, and is what we strive to attain with our life.

In the creation of the Soul, we have the eternal God Consciousness (Satyam), then the Word (Shivam), the Aum or Holy Stream (Sundaram) with the mayac sheath, and around a small piece of this Satyam, Shivam, Sundaram Consciousness of God, is thrown a tiny golden net and a Soul is born. Because of the triune nature of the Soul, there is an intuitional knowledge of the eternal Satyam Consciousness and the Shivam Consciousness and Sundaram Consciousness. Because we are created in the image of God, there is a strong desire to experience or to realize the Satyam, Shivam, Sundaram nature of the Soul.

The Soul adds the Causal body, with the higher mind, lower mind, field of memory, and ego (idea of ownership). The creative Divine impulse continues downward and includes the Astral, with the five senses, and finally the Physical manifestation, with the body and organs of senses. The Divine impulse that created the Soul will continue to seek fulfillment until it experiences completion both with the downward flow to the physical, and then reverses this flow upward to the Satyam Consciousness. The Soul calls out for union, completion with God at all seven levels of God Consciousness.

The Soul will feel this union by going inward to experience the Satyam, Shivam, Sundaram nature of itself and God. This inward journey starts with the meditation process of calming down the body, mind, breath, and ego to attain sabikalpa samadhi (the awareness of the Satyam, Shivam, Sundaram nature of the Soul), and this experience leads to the realization that we are created in the image of God (nirvikalpa samadhi).