Tantra: The Dance of Ecstasy – Two

There are seven stages of the Soul’s development once we have evolved to a human being. These stages also correspond to the integration of our awareness of the seven chakras, which are the doorways to the seven levels of God Consciousness. We are created in the image of God, and all seven levels of God Consciousness are represented in the chakras. Therefore, it will take our study of the chakras and a Wholistic God Consciousness to harmonize and become one with God.

First Stage is when the Soul first takes its incarnation at the Physical. This person will be concerned with the four primal instincts: the need for food, the need for sleep, the need for procreation, and the need for survival.

Second Stage is when the person wants to add appreciation of the human spirit to their life, usually through the humanities: art, music, poetry, and dance.

Third Stage is when one begins to add a world vision to their life, which involves helping in humanitarian aid or projects, beyond their immediate self or biological family, and for the benefit of others (humanity).

Fourth Stage is Self Awakening, when we want to know both our higher nature (Soul), as well as our lower nature (Causal, Astral, Physical bodies), when the lower nature is no longer enough to satisfy us.

Fifth Stage is Self Realizing, when we begin to realize the triune nature of the Soul and study how we are created in the image of God.

Sixth Stage is God Realizing, the study of the Satyam, Shivam, Sundaram triune nature of all seven levels of God Consciousness.

Seventh Stage is the Enjoyment of Everyday Life, the identification with Satyam, Shivam, Sundaram Consciousness, and our oneness with this nature.

The Tantric philosophy can be understood intellectually by anyone who has fallen in love with another. When a person first falls in love, they overlook or do not see any flaws in their beloved; they only feel the bliss and joy of being in love. They see the beauty and feel the love of the other. It might take months or even years before they begin to see a flaw in their beloved. This type of falling in love is similar to the Tantric relationship with God. The Tantric is looking to experience the love and beauty in their beloved (God), to see the perfection. They don’t see their beloved as having flaws, but only see perfect love and beauty. This looking to see and experience perfect love and beauty (Om Purnam) is why the path of Tantra is called the Path of Ecstasy. Once we become aware of the pure Satyam Consciousness, this will liberate us into God, the Wholistic God (Shiva and Shakti ever in union). Tantra is the path of ecstasy that teaches there is only God, only pure Satyam Consciousness without form and Satyam Consciousness in motion with form. Om Shakti Ram  Rama Shiva Om (rejoicing in God completely).


the beauty

of the dance

and the love

of the dancer

is you