Leela Poem

pointilism woman at beach

As i walked out into the evening

i saw the sun beginning to sink

into that red gold sky

and as i turned my head

the moon was rising in fiery red

i noticed the whole horizon

from east to west

seemed to be burning

in a golden-red crimson fire


it got me to thinking about

the world’s condition

and if this was a sign

of fire to come

or just another beautiful sunset

for those who had eyes to see


earlier that evening

on the six o’clock news

a man and woman were commenting

that they could not help but notice

the economy seemed kinda depressing

and the color of one’s skin

still seemed to be an obstacle for far too many

that the blame game

was still everyone’s favorite sport

and there seemed to be so many teardrops

all around the world


the holy land was having another holy war

or maybe a civil war this time

but it really doesn’t matter what you call it

blood is still flowing

in their deserts tonight

just like it always has

since that serpent introduced good and evil

to that garden of Eden


Abel was looking a little older and sadder

but maybe a little wiser he hoped

and still talking about

family values and brotherly love

but Cain still wasn’t having

any part of that deal

and so the story goes


and on the subject of global warming

of earthquakes and tsunamis

an island in the pacific

had turned radioactive

some were saying it was from greed

others were afraid it was

a meltdown of the golden rule

and yes there were too many tears

everywhere you looked


and for the human interest story

ironically Adam is wondering

if the price for organic apples

is a little too high

and are they really building a fence

to keep him out of Paradise


while Eve is working on

letting go of the past

and looking for something new

she is still looking mighty good

in her designer clothes

and is that a touch of sorrow

i can see in her eyes


and we are all wondering

if maybe the devil is on the loose again

or maybe this really is the time of Armageddon

or just the same old merry-go-round

and those same old wheels

that just seem to keep going round and round

carrying us to that same old graveyard


until we are willing to make the effort

to find a way off this wheel

of birth and death

and discover a new way of life


and as i was standing there in awe

i got to thinking about me

for i was being so overwhelmed

with everything i was seeing

and it even crossed my mind

maybe i was being a little bit seduced

by the stark nakedness of your beauty

i really wasn’t sure about

the state of my heart

with all that i was seeing


within the beauty of the night

the rising of the moon

and the setting of the sun

and that fire that was still burning

from horizon to horizon

i just started hoping and praying

i would be able to embrace it all

without losing my soul to the devil tonight


it almost embarrasses me to say this

but i was so busy with myself

i almost missed Leela

dancing across the sky

pulling the curtain open for the evening show

and there were all of Pandora’s dancers

poised on the stage

waiting for the band

to play that opening number


well that evening’s performance rolled in

with thunder on the mountains

and lightning across the sky

and i thought i could hear harps

and angels singing in the background

and the night seemed to be filled

with so much desire for more


as i was standing there enjoying the moment

the rains came down

and they came down so damn hard

they washed away some of my past sins

some of the sorrow and old memories

that i was willing to let go of


and I could see Leela was laughing

as she danced from horizon to horizon

changing gowns as rapidly

as the sun was sinking

seemingly wearing

every color of passion imaginable

expressing her delight with her every song

and the smile in her eyes

and the sheer beauty of her body

took my breath away

as she moved across the sky


as i watched her every motion

my desire began to grow

it seemed i could not help myself

i was so caught up in her beauty

like it was some kind of magic spell

being cast on my heart

just like those kisses

and slow dances of my youth

that had carried my young heart away


later that evening i found myself

walking in the summer rain

with the lightning and thunder

off in the distance

there was the smell of lilacs

in the air

and my heart was overflowing with joy

and i was feeling a little bit mesmerized

by the beauty of you on this night


it might have been a little presumptuous of me

but i got to thinking

that just like Elijah ascending

in his fiery chariot

or Jacob climbing up his ladder

i was walking in the summer rain

to the summit of every man’s hope

that place where devils and angels gather

to sing hallelujah

and dance to that holy rhythm

that can be heard by those

whose heart is open


and from that lofty tower of the soul

i began to see

how you had tempted me

with the promise of each new virgin petal

of that pure lotus flower


i could hear off in the distance

the music of the songbirds

acting like an aphrodisiac

that all lovers have requested

with every smile

and every kiss in the moonlight

and every beat of my heart


and i prayed for that touch

that would be so holy

it would burn like a sacred fire

that reaches my soul

as the union of my body and yours

surrenders into perfection


oh Leela

you tempt my heart so

i know there are some who say

you are the devil’s favorite daughter

but i have seen the beauty of your soul

and i have looked into your eyes

and seen all the way to love


i have felt your soft kisses

and your sacred touch

on my body

as we danced in the moonlight

and i love how your passion and your desire

washes over me

as we hold each other close at night


oh Leela

i know you are trying to steal my soul away

and i willingly give you this

you are an exciting and beautiful lover

who already has my heart


so with the rising of the moon

and the setting of the sun

you got me hoping and praying

for a little more time

so we can dance with that fire

across the desert tonight


for there is still

a warm summer’s rain falling

and the night is still swollen

with our desire

so tonight will be ours

and we will hold each other close

until tomorrow comes


but before the morning sun comes up

with our bodies still intertwined

we will cast aside our clothing

and dive into that fire

and dance into love


and when the morning sun rises

all we will have left

is our memories

of a love that once was

and a love that is eternal

and a heart and soul that dance as one