Meditation is a process of Self-discovery

Realized knowledge of our Divine nature will free us from eight basic conditions of human suffering: fear, hatred, grief, shame, condemnation, race prejudice, class prejudice and narrowness of thinking.  Once we are free of these eight conditions of human suffering, we have the freedom to live our life within our nature of eternal love, harmony, virtue, beauty, and joy.  Through the process of discovering our Self, we come to live within our true nature of eternal (Sat), consciousness (Tat), joy (Aum).  We are happiness.

Meditation is a process of Self-discovery that leads to knowledge of our holistic nature.  The goal of meditation is to realize that our nature and the nature of God are one and the same.  Knowledge of our oneness leads to a natural unfoldment of the human Spirit into our nature of Divine consciousness.  Realization of our wholistic nature is a two-fold process of Self-awareness.  Firstly, by calming down the mind, breath and ego (meditation) we discover who we are—our human nature, our Divine nature and our God-consciousness nature.  Secondly, this knowledge is then utilized to allow us to let go of our mindsets and go beyond our limitations, thereby freeing ourselves into our Divine nature and harmonizing with all life (God).  We will then have true freedom (mukti) to live within our holistic nature of love, harmony, virtue, beauty and joy; freedom into life and life more abundantly.

The Holy Ones are a living inspiration and message of our oneness with God.  Just as listening to beautiful music does not make us a musician, so too, simply listening to the message of the Holy Ones will not help us attain the completion we desire.  To have lasting happiness, we must experience for ourselves our oneness with all life, realizing that unmanifested (Shiva) and manifested (Shakti) are ever in union.

Created in the Image of God

All of humanity has an innate desire to experience happiness.  We seek after happiness throughout our life, each in our own way.  The diversity amongst humanity is most evident in what we believe will bring us happiness and in the manner and process through which we strive to attain our beliefs of happiness.  Most of our interests and activities are undertaken with the belief that our endeavors will help us to attain some or all of five basic qualities for happiness:  love, freedom, friendship, health and knowledge of our immortality.

The Holy Ones of all times and traditions have told us that we are created in the image of God and must look within to discover our God-like nature.  By quieting the mind, breath and ego we discover our true nature. Through this experience, we realize we are Om Satyam (eternal Divine Love), Om Shivam (eternal Divine consciousness) and Om Sundaram (eternal Divine beauty and joy.)

God (consciousness) is eternal, complete, without beginning or end.  This consciousness (without form) is omnipresent love, harmony, virtue, beauty and joy, and causes creation to manifest in both Spirit and material form.  Just as H2O is the nature of steam, water and ice, so too, love harmony, virtue and joy are the nature of Consciousness, Spirit and material form.  The omnipresent nature of God permeates all;  the dance and the dancer are one.