Mystic Heart Affirmation – Week 42

                To “seek first

                     the kingdom of God”

                   we must first

                         “be ye still

                     and know that I am God”



                realizing that

                    the kingdom of God

                          is within us

                 is the Satyam, Shivam, Sundaram

                     nature of the Soul

                and the Satyam, Shivam, Sundaram

                         nature of God



               we begin to study

                     the dance

                     of essence and form

                     of Shiva and Shakti

                         ever in union


Mystic Heart Affirmation – Week 41

                  The Soul once born

                         lives forever

                       exploring the many levels

                               of God Consciousness


                   so we must embrace

                         this moment in eternity

                     like the only moment

                           we will have


                   otherwise we miss

                           the beauty

                       of our eternal nature

                               and eternity itself


Mystic Heart Affirmation – Week 40

             Just sitting on the mountain

                   watching the sunset

                     spreading like fire

                         across the sky

             and i was remembering

                 the wildflowers and butterflies

                   and the beauty of the morning


             and then i started to wonder

                 oh what kind of beauty

                     must be in the heart

                         of the one

               who waters the plants

                   and grows the flowers

               that bring such beauty

                       to life


             oh what kind of love

                     must that be

             oh what kind of beautiful heart

                        must that be


Mystic Heart Affirmation – Week 39

                 Each unique Soul

                       has been created

                     in the image of God


                 to become and express

                     a living source

                   of love, beauty, and joy

                        into the triune nature

                             of God Consciousness


                 our Soul’s expression

                     of Satyam, Shivam,

                             and Sundaram

                     is the dharma

                      we seek to fulfill


Mystic Heart Affirmation – Week 38

                 Once we awaken

                       into our higher nature

                   we discover we have

                       three distinct relationships

                             we must bring into harmony


                 a relationship with

                       our eternal Soul

                 a relationship with

                         the triune nature of God

                 a relationship with

                           life around us


                 our spiritual path

                     is about bringing love

                   harmony and beauty

                   to our life

                           and life around us


Mystic Heart Affirmation – Week 37

                 A simple secret

                       to the enjoyment

                             of everyday life


                 is the acceptance

                       that every moment

                   our thoughts, words,

                           and actions

                     create our future


                 so we must make

                     every effort

                   to come to the moment

                   and become the love (Satyam)

                    beauty (Shivam) and joy (Sundaram)

                       we want to live


Mystic Heart Affirmation – Week 36

             Maybe we will dance tonight

                   like lovers often do

               beneath the moon and stars

                   to the music and rhythm

                    of both heaven and earth

                 maybe even dance on the water

                     to the end of the night


             oh dance with me

                     on the water

                 dance me

                     to the end of night


Mystic Heart Affirmation – Week 35

                When we make

                         the daily effort

                     to seek God

                         we discover


                 love is the source

                             of life

                     beauty the energy

                          of eternity


                 and our journey becomes

                           a cosmic dance

                       of one hand

                           on God the absolute

                     and the other hand

                        on God in motion


               Om Satyam   Satyam Om   Shalom Shalom


Mystic Heart Affirmation – Week 34

                 The goal of the aspirant

                     is to realize and live

                         their eternal nature

                              of Satyam


                 realizing the absolute stillness

                       of God Consciousness

                   is pure Satyam Consciousness

                   one begins to appreciate

                       the Satyam Consciousness

                             of the all-else


                 seek ye first the kingdom of God

                       in meditation

                     then the appreciation

                         of the all-else will begin


Mystic Heart Affirmation – Week 33

                 The nature of God Consciousness

                       in manifestation

                     is life seeking after life


                 the Soul’s journey

                       is about learning to appreciate

                     the essence of Satyam

                          that permeates all life


                   learning to delight

                         in God completely

                     enjoying and delighting and

                    celebrating Satyam completely


                 Om Shakti Ram   Rama Shiva Om